Neath Cleaning Company
Neath Cleaning Company
ServiceMaster Clean, Swansea & South West Wales was established in 2005 in Neath Abbey at the Managing Directors (Jayne Gethin) home address. The company was run from her home address for a number of years until the business outgrew her home and the company re-located as a result to Darcy Business Park, Llandarcy, Neath. The company has changed offices since due to further growth but is still located at Darcy Business Park and therefore is ideally located to service Neath and the surrounding areas.
One main advantage to the business being located at Darcy Business Park, is the quick access it has to all major access roads to Neath and the surrounding areas. Darcy Business Park is located just off junction 43 of the M4 therefore allowing quick access to Neath Town Centre, Glynneath, Resolven, Neath Abbey, Skewen and Briton Ferry.
Our oldest contract (Victoria Gardens Surgery) is based within Neath Town Centre This contract commenced in May 2005 and has been run by Jayne and our operational team ever since. Along with Doctor Surgeries, ServiceMaster also provide commercial cleaning services to Car Dealerships, Factories, Offices, Visitor Centers, Golf Clubs and Dentist Surgeries within the Neath area alone.
ServiceMaster Clean, Swansea & South West Wales currently employ over 230 cleaning operatives within the South West Wales area alone. If your business within Neath or the surrounding would benefit from using a commercial cleaning company or if you would like to speak about a solution to your current cleaning problems then we would love to hear from you. Contact us today on 01792 323238. Local Company, Global Backing.